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January 31, 2016 2 min read

Love this blog post by Huei-Yuan Pan. In this introduction, he sets the stage for both sides of the audition process, and the first step of ultimate success - failure. Read it all here.

Getting cut – it’s a feeling that stings even for those with thick skin. Trying out for a sports team, applying for school, interviewing for a job, taking an audition – these all have a lot in common. The process requires you to put yourself out there, make yourself vulnerable, and expose yourself to judgement, all in hopes of winning a spot. We’ve all been there, myself many times, and it can be stressful, right?

But being on the other side of the arena can also be tough. It wasn’t until I had to cut someone for the first time did I realize how much goes into deciding who makes the team, gets admitted, or wins the job. You quantify what you can to stay objective and minimize some of the struggle, but at some point the process requires you to use your instinct and gut reaction. Meanwhile, you can’t help but feel empathy for the other person’s inner turmoil – sweaty palms, eagerness to present themselves well, forced smile to seem comfortable, but not too comfortable because they’re trying to figure out how to demonstrate they’re “a team player.” Ugh, terrible. You’re a considerate person, and considerate people don’t want others to feel bad.

But hey, guess what – everyone gets cut at some point. If you’re not getting cut or failing somewhere along the way, this means you’re not reaching high enough. In fact, getting cut is something to celebrate – it’s a sign that you’ve moved outside your comfort zone, which is necessary for growth and development. Failing is just one of the many steps along the way to your next success.

So what do you do when you get cut?  Was it all for nothing?  Author William Feather wrote, “Success seems to be largely hanging on after others have let go.”