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March 24, 2020 2 min read

Hey – 

I wanted to take a moment during these unexpected times and say hello to our Lot Riot family. (tl;dr at bottom)

Now - after one wild week and a half - we have a clearer vision of our business situation, and I’ve been thinking about how to approach it with you, our community. You who have built a legacy this season, who have already felt the heartbreak of these circumstances, and who have supported Lot Riot for the last 7 years.

Lot Riot is a small team of volunteers and under-paid folks who believe that marching culture is valuable beyond the walls/lines of the gym/field. We, like you, were built by it.

Obviously, the shutdowns have greatly hit our sales (along with every other small business). Spring booths create the majority of our yearly revenue. Without these shows, we are left with serious production debt and nowhere to physically sell our inventory. Full transparency, we are on pretty thin ice.

Here’s our humble request: If you were going to be at any of our shows through the spring (full list here), and were going to swing by the booth – please swing by the website (you're already here!). And if you’re able, grab a tee or a hat. Or a gift card. We’d very much appreciate your support. To help, we’ve reduced all shipping charges to a flat $2 in the U.S.

It feels weird promoting new gear right now, but we’re pretty pumped about our new pieces. (Super bummed about all the rad new things we had to cancel). The beanies are thicker and warmer, the hoodies are great new colors, the caps are more dad-ish than ever, and who doesn’t want an old fashioned D.A.R.E. parody shirt?

Also, if you’re imagining your group in custom shirts, shorts, hats, hoodies, or beanies when band season begins, go ahead and hit us up now. Let’s work together!

We hope that your piece of Lot Riot gear will bring back incredible memories and hold you even tighter to your brothers and sisters in this extended off-season. That’s our goal at every booth, that’s our goal in Dayton, and that’s our goal every day.

That said, stay home. Help your neighbors. Keep drumming. Be positive. Get outside if you can.

Hope to see you all soon. Thanks for all the support.

-Matt & the Lot Riot crew.

We love you.
We're on thin ice.
We have rad new gear.
If you're able, grab a shirt.